Advanced Culinary Arts is a middle and high school course. The prerequisite to this course is having previously taken Culinary Arts I, or you are in high school and passionate about cooking and baking. Using the skills learned in the Culinary Arts I class, we will move onto the mastery level as we dive deeper into cooking and baking.

There will be a heavy emphasis on food presentation, advanced cooking principles, bakeshop preparation skills, professionalism, nutrition, proper kitchen tools and equipment, and turning skills into business opportunities. This course will help passionate cooks and bakers express creativity by starting from scratch, designing menus, preparing meals, and offering unique dining experiences. We will look deeper into the science and history attached to cooking/baking. Examples: sourdough, kombucha, pasta making, canning and preserving.

70%- Kitchen lab participation
20%- Quarterly projects
10%- Recipe binders-recipe cards and terms

Lab Fee: $100


  •  3 ring, 1 inch binder
  • Loose leaf paper
  • 50 Recipe Cards
  • 5X7 recipe card protectors for binder. 15 Protectors.