Dean Toscano

My name is Dean Toscano. I am excited and honored to be teaching the next generation of young men and woman at Renew Christian Academy. I have been married for 33 years and have two children; both of whom grew up and live in Nashville. Our daughter recently had a baby, so we are now grandparents to a beautiful little girl named Blakely. I graduated college from The University of North Carolina with a degree in Criminology, but God had other plans for me. I went into full-time ministry for the International Churches of Christ for 13 years. It was there that I led campus ministries and was also the lead minister for several churches. During our time in ministry, we were fortunate to be able to live and travel all over the world. When I left the ministry, I co-owned a company in Nashville for a few years and then went into Medical Sales for several years before transitioning to the Financial Service industry. I currently work as a Financial Advisor for a small independent financial firm, Gramercy Park Wealth Advisors. I have always had a passion for teaching and believe that our economy, and its role in our society, is crucial to understanding…especially for young people today. My experience owning my own business as an entrepreneur, as well as, teaching clients about investments as it relates to the economy will make our class both interesting and exciting!